Saloni Khatri
2 min readSep 26, 2017



Finite definitions can never be adequate to define infinity. Am i even qualified to proove infinity?

We can never prove that INFINITY IS, when we use finite tools to explain it. It’s almost like a asking a toddler, who can barely speak few words to read a book on calculus or let’s say I want to SEE Mount Everest. I cannot just pack my bags right away and reach the summit. Before that, i need to train myself in mountain climbing, I will need to find a guide, make travel arrangements , get to the base camp before i even begin the climb. Yet Brahman, who is the highest of all, who is infinite; how can I expect to see Him without any preparation. Am i qualified student ? Did I purify my mind and practiced viveka, vairagya, sat sampatti and mumukshutvam? Did i find a guru to guide me towards infinity?

But, if the seeker, like a scientist is looking for the proof of infinity, he should also adopt, attitude of experimentation, observation, and inference. The difference is that the field of inquiry INTO INFINITY is much more subtler. It is futile to expect that the same scientific instruments will be useful in this field.

At the bounderies of finite world of matter, all languages stop. Beyond them, only the language of the soul, silent meditation, is available for spirit to converse with INFINTY.

Though from the immense wisdom of scriptures and experiences of great Self-realized rsis, one can surely infer that INFINITY IS. As one evolves, she starts seeing the proof of INFINITY in all the creation- animate and inanimate,

Ultimately all that appears finite is also expression of Infinity. When one realizes that, no more one asks for ‘proof’ of infinity.

To know Self (INFINITY), one needs moral courage, intellectual conviction, mental heroism, psycological guts and spiritual nerve.

i need to cultivate moral courage, intellectual conviction, mental heroism, psycological guts and spiritual nerve to ‘know’ INFINITY.




Saloni Khatri
Saloni Khatri

Written by Saloni Khatri

Your name is on my tongue. Your image is in my sight. Your memory is in my heart. Where can I send the words, that I write ~Rumi

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