Watched the first video recorded on January 10th.
The key message for me was- have i been transformed in these last 16 months as Arjuna did in the course of our Bhagvad Gita.
For sixteen months i have attended most of the classes filled with highest insights about highest Truth, thanks to inspiring guidance of Acharya Vivekji.
As Gurudev had said- : “Don’t go through Gita, let Gita go through you.”
Have the journey from Ayukta to Yukta progressing?
Have i been attempting the yoga of mind and intellect, to manifest the aspiration?
Have i been facing my responsibilities cheerfully and not escaping them fearfully?
Have i changed my focus from jaya to vijaya?
Have i transformed from illumined to illumination?
Watching this video gave me a reminder to reflect on my own journey.
Thank you Vivekji.