Wake up early !
As emphasized by Acharya Vivekji numerous times.
The early morning time is the best before the whole household wakes up and the world takes over. Most of our household wakes up by 6 am. Ideal time for me to wake up is 4 am unless the work calls through whole night and then one can hardly sleep.
I really relish those morning 2 hours when there is quietude. It’s perfect time to contemplate, do japa, pranayama , yoga-asana. That takes about an hour. Then spending the next one hour in reading, reflecting, writing (with a hot cup of tea/ coffee). These two hours are the best part of my day…..I look forward to it every morning.
Come 6 am- it’s time to cook,pack school lunches, iron clothes, tie the tie 😬, do braids( tho’ I’m so bad at it), serve breakfast and then….. one has to respond to ‘ stat’ calls of-Mamma, Where are my socks? Have you seen my tennis shoes? Where did you put my hair band? Can you do my hair?….So on and so forth. I literally become Mary Poppins!!! Henceforth the maya begins……
Yet with a good quiet start to the day, the whole day becomes beautiful, meaningful and purposeful.