Saloni Khatri
10 min readMay 2, 2019


Very grateful for this opportunity to study this sacred text.


Upadesa Sara is word of Lord Shiva through Bhagvan Sri Ramana..


a. The message of Verse 1,2,3 is to live selflessly.

b. It highlights that ACTION IS INERT. Karma is not the purpose of life.

c. One should give up the idea of doer ship and deserver ship. The fruits of our actions are distributed by the governance of creator. Creator has knowledge of creation and cares most for it. We may not always get what we want as ishvara gives us what we deserve or what we need. He is the karma-phal-data We keep on wanting finite things but we forget that action will not lead to completeness. Action creates only that is limited. Only Knowledge can lead to enlightenment, not the actions. Though knowledge is also finite but it awakens us to our infinite nature and is the means to our Nature. It does not create Infinity but it removes the ignorance about infinity. Yet we keep on focusing on Actions/Karma. Three factors are necessary for gaining results of any action-the doer or karta, the instrument of action or karana and finally the act itself which is Kriya. None of them can independently produce results. Example- the plough cannot plough without the farmer or the hand cannot write without writer. The doer of action cannot create the results since he is also conditioned by time and space and natural laws. Examples-Even if the farmer has ploughed and sowed the seeds, he has to depend on rains, time etc. to reap good harvest. There is a factor other than Jiva which is responsible for results and that is called Ishvara. One should acknowledge the presence of Ishvara. Depending on Him is the Bhakti. The action is inert as it is dependent on Jiva and the results of actions depend on creator. This shows that action by itself cannot be supreme and it is governed by multiple factors.



a. The message of verse 2 is to live selflessly.

b. It highlights the BARRIER TO PROGRESS of a seeker and emphasizes on -To do what you value

c. In out ignorance we forger the Creator and perform all actions with a sense of doer ship which leads to ego or ahamkara. Ego with its identification with articles, Beings and circumstances lead to attachments and bondage which is cause of all our sorrow. This becomes an impediment to our progress. Due to desires we act, expecting that the results of our actions will bring us happiness but all such results are ephemeral and so out pursuit to run after a different A, B, C continues and one falls victim to this endless cycle never finding eternal happiness. We forger that the actions itself are limited by time, space and other conditions and cannot lead to infinite happiness. Any computation of finite numbers does not lead to infinity. Due to our ego identification, we attach ourselves to the temporary results of our actions and when the results end, our happiness also ends. The more we identify with doer ship the more we are disappointed due to identification with deserver ship. This creates further vasanas which lead to more desires and more actions. The vicious cycle of action-enjoyment-action-enjoyment starts. Once I am caught in the whirlpool of doer ship and deserver ship, I am unable to progress on spiritual journey. I become preoccupied by the world. The progress is not going to happen if I do not give up my attachments to desires, actions and results.



a. The message of Verse 3 is to live selflessly.

b. It highlights the MEANS TO LIBERATION.

c. If the actions are done with arpana buddhi and prasaada buddhi, theses actions can lead to purification of mind. One can not stop performing actions as they are part of life. One cannot be free of the results of actions as every action will lead to a result. Sri Ramana says that it is not the action but the duragraha (insistence on particular result) which leads to our attachment to the results. This attachment is the bondage which starts the cycle of temporary happiness and joy. i must act according to the best of my ability but renounce the insistence on desired results. I should dedicate all actions of mine and let go of my selfishness. One should learn to surrender the actions to the Lord. Lord is the wielder of three-fold power-Knowledge, desire, action. From Bhagvan alone i get this power of Jnana, Iccha and kriya. If i remember this, i may not get fixated on the sense of doer ship. This renunciation of false ego will lead to surrender to Bhagvan. All the results I get are the gift from Lord too and should be accepted as prasaada. If i go about with cheerful acceptance, I will have less likes and dislikes and this will assist in mind purification. I should stop acting on my likes and dislikes to slowly change the blueprint of my personality. I need to change my attitude from expectation to acceptance. Only a purified mind can be ready for self-realization. This is the means for sadhakas to reach sadhya through sadhana. Bhagvan is karma adhyaksha (governor of actions) and karma phal data (giver of all results). Once I am able to understand and internalize that, I can develop the attitude of arpana buddhi and prasaada buddhi which forms the basis of Karma yoga.



a. The message of Verse 4 is to engage is worship, chanting and contemplation-Pooja, japa and cinta.

b. It highlights the PRACTICE OF DEVOTION, the Bhakti Yoga.

c. I can strengthen my devotion by various means which include pooja, japa, contemplation. Out of these 3 practices, Contemplation is the highest followed by japa and then ritualistic pooja. Everyone should have Stana(altar), mala, asana. The pooja is done by body, speech and mind and focuses on the form of Brahman; japa by speech and mind and focuses on name of Brahman while Contemplation is done with mind alone and focuses on the formless Brahman. The Contemplation is most subtle as thinking of God is more demanding then rituals and chanting His name. This has to be practiced serially. These can be used as stepping stones for seeker’s journey to progress forwards. All three practices are important to cultivate devotion. Only with devotion, the karma gets transformed to Karma yoga. The Para Vidya is the highest Vidya and it should lead to- not just thinking of Bhagvan, but feeling Him. The only Love where there is comprehensive engagement is that which is not born and will not die-that is love with Bhagvan.



a. The message of Shloka 5 is about the trajectory of worship. One can start with worshipping icon but evolve to serving multiverse.

b. It highlights WORSHIP/POOJA-which is a means to cultivate devotion

c. This can be further understood by remembering the Laws and Logic of spirituality, which are- 1. An effect can never be present without the cause. 2. Effects are pleural-One cause can have multiple effects. 3. From the effect, if cause is removed, nothing remains. (cause pervades effect). Based on this one knows that if multiverse/creation is effect, the Cause is Creator. This means that creator is in everyone. If God pervades all, then there is no separation. Serving the multiverse with the attitude of serving Bhagvan is the true worship. Seva is the vison when separation is erased. Seva equates with dana. One should practice living in minimum and giving maximum. Seva is when one’s life revolves around serving. Swami Chinmayananda treated his audience as devas and offered them Mantra-pushpa (vedantic teachings). He did not use traditional altar. Everything outside and inside is divine and once one internalizes that, then everything becomes a shrine. We can worship idols with the purpose of reaching ideals. Our first step may be to worship Murti (see God outside) then to Madhyama (my core) then to manava (all organic beings). Our Svadharma according to our position can be done with the thought that by our knowledge and actions, I’m serving Bhagvan. I should cultivate the intention of serving in all that I do. Once I understand that there is no separation, then there is no giving and receiving since we are all One.



a. The message of Shloka 6 is on trajectory of chanting.

b. This Shloka highlights the importance of JAPA which is is done primarily by speech.

c. Japa is the continuous repetition of mantra or name of God. There is no inquiry initially but as one repeats Bhagvan’s name, it makes one think. Japa begins with stuti/singing, then evolves to loud chanting, then to softer chanting and then silence. The primary purpose to to build momentum to increase focus. We should take anushthanam (vow) with sankalpa and sankhya( purpose and quantity of japa). Our words should be God’s words. Once I am established in mental japa, I should evolve to dhayna/contemplation as through japa my focus and concentration gets better. Contemplation is possible for only someone who is trained in concentration. Hence japa is an essential means for concentration and mind purification. My body should relax instead of interacting in extroversion, I should enjoy my breath instead of inputting, I should chant instead of interpreting; my mind should inquire instead of instructing; eventually I should observe the go instead of identifying with it.- become a witness/sakshi.



a. The message of this shloka is on trajectory of Contemplation.

b. It highlights the practice of DHYANA

c. When the thought flow is directed to single object, one is contemplative. It may be on the form or essential nature of object. The contemplation can be two kinds. The first one is the interruptive kind where my mind can deviate, to other worldly objects from my concentration on Bhagvan. It again comes back and goes out but mind needs to be brought back to Bhagvan. The second and the more superior kind is continuous contemplation. This comes with practice where I am able to keep Bhagvan as the focus of my concentration for continuous period of time without my mind wandering to samsara. It is like effortless flow of water. All that I do should be an effort to make my mind more pure. The gauge of purity is cheerfulness and contentment. The practice of contemplation should progress steadily from interrupted one to continuous kind. It may be difficult in the beginning but contemplation is the most worthwhile practice. All our spiritual practices should lead to the same goal of abidance of our mind in Brahman.



a. The message is to evolve the contemplation from the separation between ego and Brahman to contemplating with Unity.


c. Whatever I contemplate upon, I start to identify with. My object of contemplation can be with attributes-Saguna or without attributes-Nirguna. The contemplation on Lord with name and form still implies separation. In this form of contemplation, I’m still identified with BMI and feel small compared to the omniscient Creator. Superior to that is contemplation on the attribute-less. In this form of contemplation, I become One with Self. The meditator and my object of meditation become one as there is no separation. This form of contemplation will liberate me from limitations. It can be made clear by the example of wave, ocean and water. If the wave meditates on ocean, it still feels separate from ocean. If the wave meditates on water, there is no separation as the wave itself is water. I should not assume that God lives in heaven, I should bring God into my heart. I should reflect upon Advaita Abhayam.In oneness there is fearlessness as there is nothing to fear of. There are no others.



a. The message of this shloka is to identify with nothing else but Sat

b. It highlights the importance of SUPREME DEVOTION

c. Abiding in Joy can only come with clarity and it needs lot of practice, efforts and patience. My journey should grow from pooja to serving to japa and then contemplation. To get to Ananya Bhakti-Loving only Infinite, I need to evolve from my identification with BMI. Yet even love implies separation. Better than Love is Being. I should try to stay contemplative throughout the day by not forgetting my purpose. The only purpose I have is to get enlightened. By constantly remembering that, I can slowly transcend from the worldly thoughts to the thought that- I am Sat Cit Ananada, Eventually even this thought is to let go of and all that remains is Sat Cit Ananda.



a. The message of this shloka is to focus on the goal and not just the means

b. This shloka highlights the GOAL OF ALL PATHS

c. There are different ways to connect with Bhagvan. One can follow the path of karma yoga, Bhakti yoga, jnana yoga and Ashtanga yoga. All these paths should culminate in Self Realization. That is the Only purpose. I should understand that all these paths are the means and not the end. Karma Yoga or Raja Yoga will NOT lead to enlightenment. They are just for the preparation of the process. Karma or Kriya yoga can lead one to Bhakti and jnana yoga and then one may follow either of those paths depending on one’s temperament. But these paths are not mutually exclusive. They become the same. How can One not love bhagvan once we know Him and how can we not know Bhagvan If we love Him? The bhakti and jnana yoga converge and are means to Moksha. Nature of my mind is to doubt. It is always filled with noise. The nature of heart is Silence. I should endeavor to merge that noise into Silence. I can do this through Bhakti yoga and Jnana yoga. All my spiritual practice should lead to the ONE goal of abidance of my mind in Brahman. I can engage in internal practices or Antaharnga sadhana-like shravanam, Mananam and Niddhidhyasanam to guide me through this journey. This shloka is the most important verse of this text. It like a NORTH STAR.




Saloni Khatri
Saloni Khatri

Written by Saloni Khatri

Your name is on my tongue. Your image is in my sight. Your memory is in my heart. Where can I send the words, that I write ~Rumi

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