Vedanta In Ramayana Raw
Consciously interpret dialogues incorrectly
It was the French-born novelist Anais Nin who said: “You do not see the world as it is. You see it as you are.”
Tried this RAW on few occasions in the past week consciously . Lord knows how many times I did it unconsciously especially before I became a Vedanta student. Realized that trying to do that, had potential of agitating me. Yet quickly realizing that’s its my own perception, the interaction went smoothly but the lessons to be learnt were-
- This all is maya. What he said, what I said, what I perceived- really doesn’t matter.
- 2. Negative state of mind can color all the experiences in negative paint. This by itself may cause sorrow.
- 3. As they say, it’s all in the mind. My mind has power to change, to make me happy or sad.
- 4. Perception is a thought wave( vritti) in mind. So all knowledge is objective. Mind is not the seer, only the instrument of knowledge.( Patanjali Yoga sutras).
- 5. It’s the mind that binds me, it’s the mind that can set me free….. or until I realize that I was never bound.
- 6. Lot of Manah Shodhanam is required.
The only real revolution is in the enlightenment of the mind and the improvement of character, the only real emancipation is individual, and the only real revolutionists are philosophers and saints.”
Observation of the late historians Will and Ariel Durant who spent decades studying history of human civilization.