With my closed ‘awakened’ eyes
I can see the distant memories
of my past lives.
Unafraid to see
what these eyes have seen.
Undaunted to feel the soils,
where my footprints have been.
Unclear though,
when does my past begin
and when does my future end.
Lifetimes of identification with Not-Self, blends.
I see my body change color and shape.
I see the different textures that drapes.
Yet, it appears
that over timelines of centuries
my separation from You, never abates.
I reflect on my experiences
from realms of future and past.
The places change-
Bergen-Belsen, Jerusalem, beautiful cliffs of Cornwall
and few hundred years ago in East bank of Chenab!
Deep within,
the Self stays the same.
The deja vu.
I sense the sounds and sights
impressed in my mind.
Imprisoned in the labyrinth of time.
I keep getting born
in the world that I create.
The relentless quest for You!
For lifetimes, this soul waits.
Training my mind to sublimate.
The strings of Time, I finally disconnect.
In the stygian waters, bathed by sunlight,
now a buoyant white lotus has grown.
The unknown becomes known.
Re-discovering what already exists.
No more, I want to be un-bound
as I was never bound.
I rediscover ‘I’.
Attribute-less consciousness.
All lifetimes melt.
I merge in You, the infinite Truth.
I become-Timeless.