Time is a self created prison. Self is eternal,yet we choose to get incarcerated in chains of Time.
I wasn’t very successful in following this RAW. This Jiva ran around being enslaved to time. Even the 2 hours in the morning -6–8 am were dictated by the self created master- Time. ( iron Arul’s shirt at 6.20 am, breakfast for him at 6.30 am, tie his tie at 6.40 am !!!- , semd him to school at 7 am, then get the little one up, repeat the same drill — breakfast, pack lunches , get ready myself and drop her to school at 8 am and drive to work then); even thinking of this could have been exhausting for me. We all do it though.
Yet with guidance from guru and scriptures, it has become an enjoyable experience. I can do japa or listen to prayers while doing worldly duties. Especially thanks to Vivekji’s guidance on daily RRR- Read,Reflect, Run), my day begins way before this worldly drill starts.
By spending meaningful ‘Time’ so, on my Self, ( my evolution) every morning, by reading and reflecting and contemplating before the slavery to time starts- makes the whole day beautiful.
Self is beyond space, time and matter. This lifetime here is time-bound as we chose it so. We have forgotten that Self is eternal.
Thank you Vivekji for guiding us all to liberate ourselves from chains of Time.