Through teaching of Vedanta, I’m slowly learning the art of happiness. The skepticism, cynicism, pessimism is melting away as I learn to find joy in everything. The essential chores which used to seem mundane become meaningful when I remind self that this is also Bhagvans work.
Many times now I find myself that the mind is auto playing japa, as I walk around doing the usual things. The music that I’m listening to whether it’s Hans Zimmer’s- Dream is Collapsing or vocals of rap singer NF’s Mansion or Shankar Mahadevan’s Noor e Khuda, Riaz Ali Khan’s Na Raindee hai or Bono’s Iris- Hold me Close- everything always has a message for me. His message.
The Nature, whether it’s the mist of the Rainy days or the beauty of soft snow expresses His presence; the smiles on my children’s faces; the warm hug by a grateful patient; there is Happiness in everything.
Happiness always has been there, perhaps hiding sometimes; It’s just that now I am learning how to find it. From finding happiness in all that I do and all that is around me, one day I may become Happiness!
As Albus Dumbledore said- “Happiness can be found in darkest of times , if only one learns to turn on the light.”
Vedanta has brought that Light in my life.