Saloni Khatri
2 min readNov 7, 2019


This shloka highlights the Control and austerity of speech.

Since most of us spend more time in words than in silence, Communication is the bridge between two minds and hearts. Our speech reflects our mind and intellect. Words waste our energy so we should expend them wisely

Interestingly this RAW came at a time when I needed it the most. I had noticed and have been more aware of harsh words which I have used some times and those are uncalled for.

This shloka is verse 15 from chapter 17 of Bhagvan Gita.

This verse says that our words should be such-

  1. It should not agitate the mind of the listener. They should have ability to boring calmness and peace to both the speaker and listener.
  2. 2. It should not in any way hurt the listener. Words once spoken cannot be taken back. One should think before speaking.
  3. 3. It should be the truth and spoken honestly. Why waste time and energy in lies. This truth should also be agreeable to others, otherwise its best to maintain silence.
  4. 4. Our words should be beneficial to the listener. They should be uplifting to others. In trying to apply this in my life, I endeavor to empower my patients to take ownership of their health rather than focusing. on what wrong with them. It has been very helpful.
  5. 5. It should be pleasant to hear.

One can develop better control over our words and speech by deeper study of scriptures, which serve as our guide to Reality. Only by internalizing this, one can practice it.

In current times, one should take it beyond speech to our communication in social media. How we express on Snapchat, Instagram , Twitter etc. is our responsibility .

Yet, the following verse sums up the ultimate communication-

Silence is the language of gods. Rest all is poor translation ~ Rumi



Saloni Khatri
Saloni Khatri

Written by Saloni Khatri

Your name is on my tongue. Your image is in my sight. Your memory is in my heart. Where can I send the words, that I write ~Rumi

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