This Raw was an opportunity to reflect on how many unnecessary things this Jiva indulges in, on daily basis and then justify it!
Few examples of absolutely unnecessary things I did- Watching ‘Haunting of Hill house’ on Netflix because it’s Halloween month( how does that help?), reading Nobel laureate Orhan Pamuk’s novel. -‘Snow’, will give me insight into Turkish politics ( do I have to write a thesis on Turkish politics?); Attending costume party ( what’s the point?); reading detailed article on Harvard Dean’s affirmative action trial in NYT ( Not that anyone is admitting me in to Harvard!)….and then at subtle level- harboring non productive unnecessary thoughts — this was even worse.
So much time wasted which I could have used in self development!
These are just a few examples of many unnecessary things I do. This RAW helped me to be more vigilant about the purpose of why I do, what I do.
Once again, this made me think about a verse from P.B Shelley’s poem-
“Life, like dome of many colored glass
Stains the white of eternity.”
I keep on looking through unnecessary colored glass, when all that is necessary is to realize the white that has always been there. The white of eternity.