1 min readMay 22, 2018
This non genetic, acquired appendage which most of us have grown to our body like a new limb, i.e- Phone was the first thing i picked up to change the background as only Bhagwan knows how many times that gets looked at.
Everytime i saw Bhagwan Krishna compassionately and lovingly teaching Arjuna, i visualized myself in place of Arjuna. Here are my thoughts, in my limited understanding-
- It gave me hope and courage that with His guidance, i can change.
- It taught me the lesson of surrendering to Bhagwan.
- It encouraged me to refine the ‘what’ and ‘why’ of action
- It reminded me that Bhagvan is our only Boss and all my actions should be dedicated at His feet.
- To focus on quality of dharma and dhayana
- To engage in all actions with love.
- To say ‘yes’ to Bhagwan and ‘No’ to the world.
- To change the purpose of Karma from vastu (material) to shuddhi (purity).
- To keep on eveolving the belief to Faith and then to Trust.
- To practice Sakshi Bhava (witness) instead of Karta Bhava (doer).
- To do my best and leave the rest.
Bhagwan Krishna is the best guide. All these reminders from Him are possible only through guidance of one’s Guru.