These sacred texts should be our foundation for Life and Living. Though best studied under guidance of Guru, I feel it is of vital importance that these are shared with rest of the humanity and not only the ones who follow Santana Dharma.
Why? I remember ages ago when I was much younger I came across a random English translation of Upanishad. ( Now I wonder how that small book could even try to fit the wisdom in its literal translation). I was highly disappointed. Having no exposure whatsoever to such immensely deep and sacred text, that particular version just drove me away and I erroneously may have developed wrong notion.
It was not until we started studying under the guidance of Guru Shishya Parampara through Vivekji that I fell in love with these texts. Even in my very beginner level understanding , the implied meaning totally resonated and is bringing me closer to the Truth.
Knowledge is for sharing. We are fortunate to be studying these texts, so let’s share this fortune with others, in the right way. The books published by Chinmaya Mission with the beautiful detailed in depth commentary can be eye opening for any seeker.
My plan is to approach libraries and talk to them personally to get an idea as to what does it entail to have our books in the Self development/spirituality/ philosophical/ religious section.
Libraries are such joyous places! I could really live in a library surrounded by all these conduits to knowledge and growth and be Happy. One of my patients is librarian and I plan to call her today and get some guidance into this.
We cannot practice any knowledge without Love. Let this Light shine for all.