Saloni Khatri
2 min readNov 6, 2018


The rain had stopped early morning. The yard was wet and sun was trying to permeate the cloak of grey clouds. It was a beautiful fall day. The red leaves from Japanese maple created a riot of color on the green of the grass. One could feel His presence, as one tuned into the cosmic energy playing with colors. It seemed like a prayer just standing there looking around, blessed by nature’s gifts.

Suddenly my reverie was shaken as the broom that I had been holding almost fell. That prompted me to start the work of cleaning the porch/ patio. As I got done, the area looked clean and heaps of leaves bordered the edges. I pondered for a bit.

Didn’t feel like spreading the leaves again in the same area that I had cleaned, yet I did.

Made me think, that it troubled me to undo my ‘cleaning’ at the external level. Then I should be bothered even more when I undo the ‘mind cleaning’ at internal level.

I should be very much disappointed if all the sadhanas I try to engage in for mind purification, get undone by my pursuit of pleasure, possession and position. I should get over that disappointments then and work harder with more discipline and determination!

All my efforts of acquiring good samskaras by daily contemplation, daily inspirational reading, Japa, satsangs, Yatra’s, studying scripture under guidance of Vivekji, may get nowhere if I continue the lower practices. by pursuing the ephemeral and engaging in Rajsik/ tamsic pursuits.

Bhagvan Krishna says in. chapter 9 of Bhagvad Gita-

Api chet suduracharo bhajate mam ananyabhak,

Sadhureva sa mantavyah samyag- vyavasito hi Sah.

(Even if the most sinful worships Me, with undivided heart, he too must be deemed righteous for he has rightly resolved).

Bhagvan is so compassionate. to accept the undeserving Bhakta like me. If at least I make an effort to keep my mind, CLEAN, He will arrive.



Saloni Khatri
Saloni Khatri

Written by Saloni Khatri

Your name is on my tongue. Your image is in my sight. Your memory is in my heart. Where can I send the words, that I write ~Rumi

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