The Pillar of Dharma our center chose was Love.
The question is whether this love is Sneha or Prema. Is it lower or higher? Is it conditional or unconditional ?
Are we expanding our love from me to we?
Is it beyond my family?
This week in Applied Gita class we had learnt about parenting through Chapter 9:17.
It made me think that are we being parents to only our biological children or other children too?
The Story of Love-
As a very little girl I was big into English literature especially British ( and I still am) and I still remember the first time I read Charles Dickens- Great expectations. It moved me a lot. The thing that stayed with me was Pip and his secret benefactor. I became fascinated with idea of secret benefactor.
I wanted one too!!
Reflecting back I realize that I have been blessed with so many secret or not so secret benefactors in my life. From my botany teacher in high school to my ophthalmology professor in residency, to my wonderful friend in medical school and then my Preceptor at University here in research fellowship and then my husband with his love and support( just to name a few). Lastly yet most importantly — Swami Chinmayananda ( through Guru shishya parampara) and Vivekji who have guided me through the most precious knowledge. The knowledge of the Self.
I have received so much in my life, that words fail to express the gratitude I feel. Every time my life seemed despondent, someone was sent to pull me up. From cynical and pessimistic young girl, I have become faithful, optimistic ‘older’ ( hopefully wiser) jiva.
Now it’s my time to give …… with Love.
Now I want to be someone’s Dicksonian benefactor, in any small way I can.
Children’s education has been my passion since childhood. I also saw the bias against girl child in India….. so we are taking first baby steps to do something about a girl child there. This is a gift for our souls actually.
And As a part of a wonderful project called Shikshadaan, my daughter and I were fortunate to have opportunity. On Saturdays, we have started going to a local library to teach refugee children. These are young children from countries like Syria, Palestine, Uganda etc. these children have limited English skills and resources.
The first time I went, I met this 5 year old child from Syria who was also there for the first time. For sake of privacy, let’s call him Zaroon. He looked at me and I looked at him and I could not help but feel love. How can one not fall in love with this innocence. As we worked on English words and comprehension, I realized how bright he was. I just felt so happy being with him. We laugh, we talk, we learn. These are the two most joyful Hours of my week. I became a 5 year old with him, as we sat on the floor working on puzzles of world map. As he was leaving, his dad thanked me. Meanwhile my heart thanked Zaroon for bringing so much joy to me. I felt so fulfilled and I felt grateful for this opportunity to think beyond my own family and children. In this simple act of ‘giving’, I received much more.
May my soul always experience this Love, ( beyond the heart and mind, beyond the lifetimes, with His grace.)