The list is long. With constant inspiration and Satsang's, with persistent introspection and reflection, my flaws become more apparent to me and sometimes roar in my face. Reminding me of the ugliness with which I drape myself in.
Who can bring the change?
The only person who can change me is me.
With His grace.
So i try.
1.Comparasions- Mind still indulges in this vice. Growing up with lot of insecurities about number of things, led me to build a pseudo armor of arrogance. The seed for this is comparisons. I did not have any spiritual guidance at the time but now I do and trying hard to overcome this complex relationship with mind games.
2.Fear-Intellectually I have learned the journey of fearlessness yet I still engage in this. Of course the degree of this vice is much less now thanks to Satsang and Vedanta guidance, yet it still rears its head at time.
3.Lack of Discipline-I do find myself conducting my mind in relative indiscipline and then trying to find excuses and justifications for my behavious.I make a promise to keep trying and then I break the promise. As Vivekji shares-We are our best friend and worse enemy. I need to become best freind of my mind.