(Shava hastena bhojana)
(Pic from animation world network )
Started with Visualizing that my hand is that of a corpse and went further to imagine that I’m a corpse.
My platitudinous observation was that with this morbid visualization, I almost scared myself !!Sometimes the bent-neck lady from series-Haunting of the Hill house glared at me in the mirror. I wanted to escape.
As I reflected more upon it, it brought the true definition of ‘deha’ to mind. My body is forever decaying and yet I continue to live as if tomorrow is guaranteed. It brought home few points -
- The Body identification needs to be lessened.
- My current time in this earthly plane is precious and I should use it wisely- engage in more sadhana, satsanga and in divine thoughts.
- I have expiry date though I may not know when.
- This body is another instrument, to engage in sadhana.
- As I sat reading my notes from upadesa Sara this morning, I was moved by something that Vivekji had shared on 12/13/18-
“I can be enlightened in this lifetime!”
Though this body is immaterial yet i can use it as a tool to further my progress in my journey to infinite. There is a reason that life still breathes in my body, before it turns into ashes. There is only one reason. Rediscovery of Sat-Cit-Ananda.
Visualizing my hand and body as a corpse nailed the point that death is like a shadow of my life, forever with me, following me.
Why do I still engage in meaningless pursuits when I have been given a chance to get enlightened in this lifetime !!
Sharing my favorite lines on Death-
My house says to me- “Do not leave me, for here dwells your past.” And the road says to me- “Come and follow me, for I’m your future.” And I say to both my house and the road — “I have no past; nor I have a future. If I stay here, there is a going in my saying; and if I go, there is a staying in my going. Only Love and Death can change all things!”
~ Kahlil Gibran in Sand and Foam