Procaffeination- The tendency to not start anything until one has had a cup of coffee.
I have to admit that I do suffer from this Procaffeination syndrome. Morning black coffee is my daily ritual. I cherish my quiet mornings in company of inspirational book, sipping coffee. Coffee gets my grey cells going, or so I think. “Never underestimate the importamce of being properly caffeinated. Afterall coffee is cheaper than prozac”
It is said that the great philosopher Voltaire consumed about 50–70 cups per day. He did live till age 83 though longevity is not something I’m shooting for. My sin is just 1 cup, occasionally 2.
So Coffee is like a muse, that assists in my writing, It’s like a dear friend by my side….( you get the idea of my dependence on the morning joe).
I thought that it would be good idea to give it up this week. So I did. First couple of days, it was tough. Yet it was a commitment I made so i wanted to keep it. It got easier later and the as days went by, I thought less about it.
The lesson learnt was that one can can use self control as initial step to control the mind. This RAW teaches self discipline. Ultimately the supression has to evolve to sublimation.
Swami Sivananda ji says in his book-Mind-It’s mysteries and control that- “Curb the mind ruthlessly.When desires dies, mind is your slave.Become desireless and become victorious.”