Saloni Khatri
2 min readNov 5, 2020


Prince Arjuna questions

Reflection 8

What are some inner adjustments that you can make to become more independent of the articles, beings and circumstances in your life :

The intellectual answer will be sadhana, antahakarana shuddhi.

How do I personalize it? Internalize it?

  1. If I hold onto higher, I can let go of lower- This is the ideal that has really pulled me up from my deeper attachments. It’s not theoretical concept for me any more. I have tested and tried it and it has worked. I am trying to evolve from sneha to prema. The more I get attached to Lord Shiva, lesser I cry for jiva.
  2. 2. He loves me: With this truth embedded deep in my heart, the disappointments in life, the mortal love have become less important. When I know that He loves me, I seek ‘love’ from others less, I need less validation. Why would I , when the greatest of all loves me?
  3. 3. Everyone is going to disappoint me sooner or later: this is not a cynical statement though it appears that way. It did arise initially out of cynicism when I was young. Now older and perhaps wiser, more aware of His presence, this helps me to KNOW that the only One who is watching for me is Him. Others may come and go.
  4. 4. Seeing Him in all around me: still trying to practice it and long way to go. Yet when I remember to do that, the interactions change and I become less judgmental. Last couple of days was a great practice for that. When I realized how many ‘misguided’ and ‘misinformed’ people could still vote for an unwanted person, I was borderline agitated. But then I tried to remember to see Him in all…… somewhat difficult yet worth for mental peace.
  5. 5. We all get what we deserve: it sounds harsh and I won’t say it to another but I do tell myself when facing negative articles, beings, circumstances. This helps me evolve from being a victim to being a responsible person. The punishment evolves to training
  6. 6. All is as it’s supposed to be: this is the most important as Bhagvan says that and His word I trust. We do our best and leave the rest. I try to focus more on my actions than results.

I strive to hasten…… slowly with His grace and gurus blessings.

Gratitude Gratitude Gratitude



Saloni Khatri
Saloni Khatri

Written by Saloni Khatri

Your name is on my tongue. Your image is in my sight. Your memory is in my heart. Where can I send the words, that I write ~Rumi

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