People watch-
There were numerous opportunities to practice this RAW. At work as people walk in the hall with masked faces, supported by cane or walker or sometimes on their own; or when I sit close to window and look outside as people walk their dogs or bike in the cul de sac; or as I water the plants outside, children whizzing by on their skateboards……
Yes! I watched them as they carry on with their lives.
All so different, separated by Space and time, yet all One.
From the weary stride of a patient, to the carefree laughter of a child; from a brisk walk by serous athlete to a casual dog walking man; they all exist in their own worlds which may be different than mine yet in deeper reflection, we all are expression of Brahman.
The weight of our worlds that we carry on our shoulders may feel lighter as we cultivate the shared experience, the commonality within us, the gift of being human.
Then I extended it to watching the plants( I may have even talked to them :))), a potato’s bug crawling from under the rocks, a spider hanging on his web, the squirrels, squirreling around, and the mother Earth which holds us all. I put my hands in soil and give my gratitude.
All One!
With a casual glance, I see the differences. With deeper sight, I see the similarities.
Reminded me of a quote by Swami Chinmayananda ji-
“Universe is a cosmos and not a chaos. There exists a mental affinity; a scientific law; a rhythm of mental relationship in which the entire living world is held together, in one web of love.”
That is my lesson from People watching