Saloni Khatri
3 min readOct 10, 2020


Oct 10, 2020

Book of Alphabets from Meaningful mornings:

Work in progress. Here it is so far-


  1. As you think, so you develop
  2. 2. Arrogance takes, Humility gives.
  3. 3. Accept cheerfully whatever comes to you
  4. 4. All that comes in your life is best for you
  5. 5. Acceptance is opposite of anger
  6. 6. Action with meaning leads to responsibility.


  1. 1. BE
  2. 2. Be Happiness


  1. 1. Challenge yourself to be better
  2. 2. Choice less cheer and choice less contentment should be your attitude and responsibility.
  3. 3. Contentment is wanting what you need.


  1. 1. Divinity is in details
  2. 2. Discipline carries one from intention to implementation
  3. 3. Dedicate meaningfully


  1. 1. Expect more from yourself, less from others.
  2. 3. Evolve tolerance to endurance.
  3. 4. Evolve from detached to seeker in presence of Guru Shishya Parampara
  4. 5. Embrace Peace
  5. 6. Even this will pass
  6. 7. Event should. evolve to movement.


  1. 1. From first cry to last breath we are forever engaged in actions.
  2. 2. Focus on responsibility, not on just your rights.


  1. 1. Go deeper from instinct to intention
  2. 2. Greatest fortune is to be in daily Satsang.
  3. 3. Good friend directs you to the path of intention and integration.
  4. 4. Give acknowledgement to investors.


  1. 1. Humility is most vital yet challenging virtue to develop


  1. 1. If your purpose is strong, so will be your movement.
  2. 2. If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you always got.


  1. 1. JOMO not FOMI
  2. JOY- you are!


  1. 1. Know Thyself


  1. 1. Living for creator is your fruit
  2. 2. Learn from all experiences


  1. “Moksha is not freedom from action, moksha is freedom in action.”


  1. 1. Na Mukti hi, Na Bandaha ( there is no freedom since there there was never any bondage)


  1. 1. Our responsibility should lead us to independence.
  2. 2. Outside forces don’t shake a balanced mind


  1. 1. Purpose will propel you


  1. 1. Quiet mind will lead to peace


  1. 1. Right action has to be matched by right attitude.
  2. 2. Right thinking will free you.


  1. 1. Steadiness will involve to sincerity


  1. 1. True gauge of friendship is the ones who challenge you to be good and great.
  2. 2. Tune deeper, from living to Life.


  1. 1. Use yourself as locus rather than outside references o


  1. 1. Value of humility gives value to all other values.
  2. 2. Vices are exercises in futility; virtues are exercises in utility.


  1. 1. Wrong thinking creates bondage.
  2. 2. Work never ends.
  3. 3. We are here to rediscover our nature of independent joy.
  4. 4. When the intention is clear, the integration is clear
  5. 5. Whatever you give, you get.
  6. 6. Walk the path that’s available to you.



  1. 1. You are exactly where you need to be
  2. 2. You will invest time in whatever you care about.
  3. 3. Yoga is not exercise. Yoga is bettering your life


  1. 1. Zen co on -What is gained is what is not gained.

Sharing pictures from freedom walk. This morning we listened to meaningful alphabets narrated by Vivekji.

Nature only gives!



Saloni Khatri
Saloni Khatri

Written by Saloni Khatri

Your name is on my tongue. Your image is in my sight. Your memory is in my heart. Where can I send the words, that I write ~Rumi

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