1 min readSep 30, 2017
Observe 7 expressions of violence (himsa) in day-to-day affairs-
Himsa is insenstivity to the awareness of other person- it can by physical or through thoughts and intellect-
- Anger manifested verbally- directed at someone-insenstivity towards other people’s emotions
- Indulging in Self importance and Judging others many times for various reasons-insenstivity to others circumstances
- Not keeping up with Bhagavd Gita homework-insentivity towards one’s responsibility towards course
- Killing moths-insenstivity to creation
- Impatience/not listening-insenstivity to people’s temperament
- Watching Poirot on netflix when laundry needed to be folded-insenstivity to household responsibility
- Vanity-insenstivity to see Sat-cit Ananda in ALL