My dearest Bhagvan ji,
i miss You.
i know it’s my own ignorance that even with the two eyes you have given me, i fail to see Your presence within me. With Your teachings and guidance that i am most grateful for, i am trying to develop the vision beyond my limitations.
i fall a lot. Yet You are always there to hold my hand. You show me my own strengths. You help me get over my fears.
i cry a lot too( of course, You already know) like a child who has gotten separated from her parent. You are calling for me, yet in the noise created by my senses, i don’t hear You. There are days when i forget everything except an acute sensation of my separation from You. Those days i sob but then You know that too.
You know the best. If it’s not my time to ‘see’ You yet, then I have to wait. Still in my childlike stubbornness, I keep asking -when can i be with You.
i don’t want You to accept me the way i am. i want to deserve Your Love. i am trying to become worthy of your Love even though I know that You love me unconditionally. In fact that’s the only Love that has transformed me, rest all has been measured by its limitations.
Oh! Look Bhagvanji, again i have been so selfish just lamenting about myself. How are You?intellectually I know that You are beyond conditionings, still my mind sometimes does get concerned about How you live in the mountains and if the nature is kind in this form. Though Your being there in itself is the blessing for those mountains yet I still think about it and How You are.
Within me, yet You seem far. When will i be with You?
i love You.
i miss You!
Your child,