Saloni Khatri
1 min readMar 2, 2019


Money this week was spent on-

  • Contribution for my sons school fundraiser (for scholarship fund).
  • Contribution for my daughters school fundraiser.
  • Contribution for Chalisathon chants.
  • Udemy online educational program

Fortunately or unfortunately I got sick so no shopping, ( some good can be seen in sickness too) not even Amazon prime shopping this week (otherwise Vivek thinks we should be on prime customer list of Amazon Prime with the ways packages land daily at our door; our justifications- This is ‘needed’). In a way it was Bhagvans way of showing me to distinguish the essential and non essential

This week by His grace, money was mostly spent in contributions. Most other weeks are not like that. It’s spent on me and mine. In future I will try to be vigilant. When I spend, does it give joy( temporary)only to me or whether it brings joys to more people other than me.

I love this beautiful verse from my favorite Persian poetry book-

This World’s a nest in which the cockatrice

Is warmed and hatched of vanity and vice;

A false bazaar whose wares are all a lie

Or never worth the price at which you buy

~Farid ud din Attar in Bird Parliament



Saloni Khatri
Saloni Khatri

Written by Saloni Khatri

Your name is on my tongue. Your image is in my sight. Your memory is in my heart. Where can I send the words, that I write ~Rumi

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