1 min readApr 16, 2019
Magical mantra day 1 RAW
- Happiness inside( on the nirvana coconut water that I drink at work).
- 2. Om̐|| Marutputrāya Vidmahe|* Āñjaneyāya Dhīmahi|* Tanno Mārutiḥ Pracodayāt||* ( the mantra I chant on Tuesdays)
- 3. करचरणकृतं वाक्कायजं कर्मजं वा श्रवणनयनजं वा मानसं वापराधम्। विहितमविहितं वा सर्वमेतत् क्षमस्व जय जय करुणाब्धे श्री महादेव शंभो ॥ ( mantra from Shiv Manas Pooja, I chant daily .
- 4. Charity comes from ones sense of abundance. True charity springs from a sense of oneness between the giver and the recipient.- Swami Chinmayananda. ( quote on the bookmark I use)
- 5. Be the change, you wish to see in the world- quote on my notebook I use to take Vedanta in Bhagvatam notes.
- 6. Live, Laugh, Laugh ( on my notebook I used yesterday for magical mantra notes)
- 7. Treat every man whom you meet as your own self; serve him as you would demand to be served yourself; for our karma travels; it walks apace though and the journey is often long. But be it good or evil, finally it will come home to us.- from the book I read this morning-mananam series book Reincarnation:The karmic cycle.
- 8. ॥ॐ इशानगुरुवे नमोऽनमः॥(Om Ishaanguruve Namo Nama ) — the guru mantra I chant almost daily)