To visualize oneself as Being invisible is symbolic of becoming. formless/ egoless/ un-identified with body.
It was very liberating to visualize that i am invisible but would be even better to ‘know’ that one is invisible .
Even though I pretended to be invisible,my kids always found me and bombarded me as usual with million questions, errands and tasks. I smiled at being discovered, a little game of hide and seek I played with myself. Its nice to be invisible but it’d be even nicer if they too thought that this Jiva was invisible.
I really like this idea of invisibility and would love to be so…….But I did not have any magic potion!( Am I not forgetting that the magic exists within me and I can choose to be invisible if I want to be at subtle level, if not at gross body level).
On deeper note,this practice started in solitude more than a year ago…… sitting at Lord’s feet and then not seeing myself, only Him.
I was invisible. Only He was there.
Then He also becomes invisible .
There is only Light.
Finally there is only quietude. One day , I pray that as i becomes invisible. Only I remains.
“I AM FOREVER walking upon these shores,
Betwixt the sand and the foam,
The high tide will erase my foot-prints,
And the wind will blow away the foam.
But the sea and the shore will remain
~ Kahlil Gibran in Sand and Foam