Saloni Khatri
3 min readMar 15, 2020


Navada Bhakti

Inspired by one of the classics I read many years ago- Love in the times of cholera by Colombian Nobel prize winning author Gabriel García Márquez, I’m going to name this response as-

Navada Bhakti in times of COVID.

We need it now more than ever!

From The lesson we have learnt in last ViBha class-

  1. Shravanam- spend only limited time listening to the news- 5 minutes in the morning and maybe another 5 minutes in evening. Your constant listening to news won’t help. Don’t overload yourself with repetitive and unnecessary information which only creates anxiety and fear. Input Shastra and His word instead.
  2. 2. Kirtana-Sing for Him, sing healing songs. Read out inspiring books, messages or verses of hope and love. Chant maha mrityunjaya mantra. Do it for world’s health.Output shloka
  3. 3. Smarna- Remember that God is with us. Use this time of social distancing in reflecting on what brought humanity to this point where whole world has come to halt. Take break from Social media. Try to evolve from loneliness to aloneness. Input sankalpa.
  4. 4. Sevana- take care of your body and mind to help others. For your body, boost your immune response with thirty minute daily exercise, healthy food, increasing zinc through diet. ( spinach, mushroom, all vegetables, nuts etc) and Vit C ( citrus fruits). For your mind, engage in virtual satsanga offered by Vivekji which we are so fortunate to be part of. Contemplate daily. Output sangraha.
  5. 5. Archana-offer your help to people in need in this situation. Call on and Check in on your neighbors and friends. Input sadhana.
  6. 6. Vandana-Be responsible, in this time of crisis. Let it bring the best in you. Do not be selfish and hoard. Sheela means character, behaviour, conduct, manners, civic responsibility. As CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta recently said on Anderson 360: “We have an obligation to each other, I think, more than ever before. How I behave affects you and how you behave affects me.” We should output sheela
  7. 7. Dasya- a tiny little virus has enslaved us . We as humans think we control a lot. How ironic is that! It’s a lesson in humility. Surrender at His feet.If we are devoted to welfare, to discipline, then we think less of our own comforts. — input shushka.
  8. 8. Sakhya- lets be kind and compassionate to others. It was disheartening to see so many people lined up outside NYC bars on Friday night, totally inconsiderate of their fellow humans. These night-club enthusiasts, may be young and may not get affected much if they get COVID but they are still propagating it and putting elderly population and frail individuals at risk. Follow the CDC guidelines on prevention. Output smriti
  9. 9. ATMA- Remember- ‘Staanay’. All is as it’s supposed to be. Remember the divine within us. Do your best and leave the rest. The future is not ours to see. Even a week ago, who knew this virus will turn the whole world upside down! Dont press Panic button. Press FAITH button. Remember Him. Practice love. Input svaroopa.

Universe is a cosmos and not a chaos. There exists a mental affinity; a scientific law; a rhythm of mental relationship in which the entire living world is held together, in one web of love.

~ Swami Chinmayananda



Saloni Khatri
Saloni Khatri

Written by Saloni Khatri

Your name is on my tongue. Your image is in my sight. Your memory is in my heart. Where can I send the words, that I write ~Rumi

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