In my ignorance i may see Creation separate from Creator . I may see Ishvara and Jagat separate from Sat-Cit Ananda though in fact Brahman pervades all creation.
Creator and the creation are projections of Brahman perceived by Jiva.
If that is so, how can the creation be unhappy?
It’s my own blindness or limited sight that makes me see unhappiness. Well! Creation may appear to be unhappy due to its apparent separation from Brahman. Forgettings it’s inherent happiness, it floats and sinks in the bhavsagar.
Happiness is our nature. Creation’s nature is to be happy but with ego identification we become blind to this vision and keep on going on a roller coaster rides of laughter and tears.
Through Ishvara, I reach Brahaman.
Being Creators manager, is an opportunity to serve Creator and Creation.
“If we set ourselves to serve Ishvara, if we dedicate our actions and surrender our will to Him, we shall find that He draws us to Himself.” ( Patanjali Yogasutras)
Finally, when one is in union with Brahman, both the Creator ( Ishwara) and Creation ( Multiverse) are transcended.