- Identification creates Ego
- Existence is equal to awareness and awareness equals existence.
Existence minus awareness is Un Know
Awareness minus existence is Un-Am.
Both are -I. In built within I is Am and Know. Example-I AM JOY. I KNOW JOY. They cannot exist separately.. They cannot be exclusive. They are equal, same, inclusive of each other.
3. The relationship between creator and creation is dependence. Creator is dependent on creation just like creation depends on creator. Beyond both creator and creation is Brahman and that’s who we are. We are infinite.
4.With vision of Ishtaroopa, there is separation / duality. We can still be closer to Bhagvan yet we still feel separate. That is dvaita. With the vision of Svaroopa, one meditates on oneness. I can feel infinite in ones own self. That is advaita
5. The dreamer and the waking state are avasthas. That is always changing. When we are awake we are not one with dreamer. When we are in dream, we don’t identify with awaking state. The dream and the waking state is mutually exclusive. Just like ego and spirit are mutually exclusive . Ego is just a superimposition on spirit created by ignorance The other way to look at it is- our world is like a dream state . Until we wake up from it, it all seems real. Once the maya ends, with help of guru , the dream also ends.
6. What I will miss the most is- being with Sri Ramana. This course was knowledge of my own Self, given with such love and compassion. Now is the time to internalize it. I will miss listening to Bhagvan’s message and the insightful explanations given by Vivekji. Yes, Most of all -I will miss being in Satsanga with my guru guided by Bhagvan .
What can I do to keep this course going ?- internalize what I learnt and become a better student .
With infinite gratitude to Bhagvan Sri Ramana and to Vivekji
Many thanks to Sowmya ji to help with course and all course students for such Satsanga.
Hari Aum