Saloni Khatri
2 min readMay 6, 2017


Guidance from Bhagvan Rama THROUGH Ramayana-

Q1. Bhagwan, in what way can I be your Devotee/ Bhakta?

A1-Bhagwan Rama- Don’t just chant my name. Experience me. Be the Joy. Be like Bharat- the noblest of all loyal brothers; Be Like Hanuman- the noblest of all wise devotees; Be Like Jatayu-who followed the path of dharma fearlessly. Cultivate the moral beauty and reverence for life. Learn from the inspiring ideals of Bharata and Hanuman.

Q2.- What lesson is Bhagwan trying to teach us through Mahabali?

A5-Bhagwan Rama- Learn humility. Mahabali in his ego offered 3 paces of land to Vamana who grew to the size of Trivikram and covered the earth, the heavens and Mahabali’s head. Mahabali’s pride was humbled. With humility he became purified by touch of Lord’s feet and became immortal. So dear one, perform all actions with humility and without sense of doership

Q3- Dear Lord, how and where can I find you?

A3- Bhagwan Rama- I am with you, within you, if you develop the vision to see me. I was, I am and I will be. See me with love, seek me with bhakti. Be the adhikari by developing viveka, vairagya and mumukshutam. Invoke sincerity. Find Ramayana inside you, Make it your own. Live it. I AM within you.

Q4- My dearest Bhagwan, knowing that you are infinite joy, as your Manava dharma in form of Lord Rama, you spent years in exile in forests. What can we learn from this?

A4-Bhagwan Rama- Live your life like a yagna/ dedication. Maintain equanimity and don’t let the context around you disturb your content. Find your highest potential as you, YOURSELF are Infinite Joy. Love yourself to lead yourself. When you engage in karma in dharmic way with jnana, you will learn to see Me in all that you do and you will then begin to live in advaita. When I walked the forests, you were with me. That’s why you cry when you reminisce those days. Now you walk the forests of life, I am with you. I AM ALWAYS THERE.

Q4- Dear Lord, how can I dismantle my ego?

A4.- Bhagwan Rama- With the help of Sadguru, who himself is established in Me. Fight the Ravana of ego within you diligently, sincerely. Offer your actions to Me. Make this journey of life, a pilgrimage, Be the Prayag where Ganga (representing Bhakti), Yamuna (representing Karma) and Saraswati (representing knowledge) come together, I will meet you there. You follow my path and I will take you to Moksha dwara nagri.

With humble pranaams



Saloni Khatri
Saloni Khatri

Written by Saloni Khatri

Your name is on my tongue. Your image is in my sight. Your memory is in my heart. Where can I send the words, that I write ~Rumi

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