God is ! Yet we lack the vision to see Him.
In an attempt to develop this vision , I see His presence everywhere now. From the ethereal white snow early morning, the melodious birdsongs to the gloriously effulgent sunrise; from the tears in my eyes to the love in my children’s hearts. Yes, God is!
Just mentioning seven signs here-
- I had been seeking deeper meaning in life for many many years. I was very much lost though and did not know where to look. I became a pessimistic child. I would go to the temple and just sit alone silently in a corner and cry….. even as a teenager. I didn’t know any prayers but I felt deep connection with bhagvan. I did not know why I cried in His presence. I just felt a deep longing. I now know that it was the feeling of my separation from Him. He was calling me. God has always been there.
- 2. Like anyone else, in this human life, I have had many ups and downs. When I was all alone and felt hopeless and helpless, Bhagvan has always sent A person in different phases of my life to lift me up. In form of a teacher, a friend, a well wisher…. A hand to hold, before I fall. God is always there.
- 3. During the most strenuous times of my life, where I had to make difficult decision, I always get a dream which gives me solution. It’s uncanny. It may sound silly that any major decisions I have made in my life, the solution has appeared in form of a dream. It would wake me up at 3 or 4 am and I would know the answer right away ! This has happened at least 4–5 times. That can happen only by Bhagvans hand.
- 4. Even as a child I had deep seated intuition of my death happening at younger age. I always knew I will die in my forties. ( ha! Not very young) As I got older, that feeling got stronger and I got more fearful especially now since I had children. Only with Guru’s guidance and. God’s Grace I am slowly overcoming that fear. I have realized that it may not be a physical death at all. It may be death of the the life as I knew it. It may be death of my old ways. It may be the death of ignorance/ the death of Ego…. ( i Hope) It may be transformation. It’s like metamorphosis — a larva becoming butterfly. I know that I’m just a custodian of my children. They have their lives whether I’m in it or not- bhagvan will take care of them. They are God’s children.
- 5. As I struggled for decades with the feeling of- ‘This is not what I’m here for’. That feeling of being incomplete despite having everything, a beautiful. life and wonderful family . I had strongest feeling that my purpose is more than just being a daughter, sister, mother, wife, doctor ….. but I did not know what my true purpose was. It made me very restless and sad. As Rumi says- ‘when the student is ready, the teacher appears.’ May be finally I was ready and I got reconnected with my friend Ruma in 2013 who has been my first guide on this spiritual journey. My immense gratitude- she answers the questions that exist only in my mind and haven’t found words yet !! Then connecting with Vivekji in Jan 2014. That was transformative ! It changed the whole outlook. He truly brought light into my self created darkness. God is ! My only purpose is to find Him…. within me.
- 6. Connecting with Chinmaya Mission — that can happen only with Bhagvans grace. During my Bharat yatra in 2015, as we reached Adi Sankara Nilayam, I had a strong feeling that I’m HOME. I have never felt like this at any other place despite lots of travels. It felt like I have been here before although it was my first visit. (in some previous lifetime may be ). It brought the distant foggy memories and all I could do was cry. I cried probably the whole time. My then 12 year old son asked me- “Why are you crying mamma?” I replied though tears- “It seems like I have come home after a very long time”. He said in his childlike wisdom- “ If you have come home, you should be happy then !” Maybe they were tears of Joy, the remembrance of that I had walked those grounds before, such intense was the energy of that place.
- 7. Bhagvan has aligned everything for me to evolve….. my family, my work, my associates, the opportunity for Satsanga and Vedanta classes. From being a pessimistic child, I have grown into a very optimistic and cheerful adult.( His grace). What is my excuse for not following this path to reach Him? Most importantly He has given me the greatest blessing — The Guru! Only He can do that. Yes! God is…. Now in form of Guru.
He makes His presence felt everyday in many ways- from a biblical message behind a truck, to the bird sitting on a branch outside, a look in someone’s eyes, touch of a hand, silence of the nature and the voices of children playing ….. Can you see Him?