Even trying to practice the virtue of Egoless-ness can bring a tremendous change in the world. It’s difficult yet not impossible.
When I stop identifying with Body, Mind Intellect and tune into Universal consciousness, the whole outlook changes.There will be no boundaries between you and I. The superficial differences which divide one from another will become trivial and only functional.
There will be no judgements, jealousies, hatred, racism and wars as one realizes that -I’m in You and you are in Me.
As one understands and practices- ‘All in Self and Self in All’ , she will be able to see divinity in everything.
According to rsis, any civilization or culture which precludes the experience and the recognition of divinity in man, is an existence in continuous sleep and a progress through tumbling falls!! ( Kathopanisad, Mantra 15)
By practicing Egolessness, the whole world will become sacred land…… a land where living and inanimate beings, exist in independent joy.