(Pic From inspiration
Practicing this RAW, brought the conscious attention to the breath and hence to mind.
I learnt that Prana is formed from the Rajsik essence of tanmatras. Mind is formed by satvik essence. Where there is Prana, there is Mind. Prana being the outer coat of mind can help open the mind’s door.
Control of Prana can be one of the means to control the thoughts. It can help one prepare for highest vocation of contemplation.
Through breath control one can move from gross to subtle.The controlled Prana ( nirodha) May evolve to Spanda( subtle) Prana.
Spanda and Nirodha being 2 avasthas Of Prana are interdependent on Mind.
Practicing this RAW was a tactile and conscious way to to quieten the mind, so I could be ready for contemplation.