Brahmaarpanam Brahma Havir
Brahmaagnau Brahmanaa Hutam
Brahmai vate na Gantavyam
Brahma Karma Samaadhinaha
This RAW was an opportunity to rethink and reflect on this beautiful mantra. Here I’m sharing, what we learnt from Vivekji-
- ‘brahma arpanam (Infinity is the general offering) — i remember, the possibility and propensity to give is by the grace of the Creator
- * brahma havih (Infinity is the specific offering) — i remember, the Creator and creation are One
- * brahman agnau (Infinity is offered to) — i remember, the receiver is the Creator
- * brahmana ahutam (Infinity is the offerer) — i remember, the giver is the Creator
- * brahma eva tena gantavyam (Infinity alone they realize) — i remember, I am the Creator
- * brahma karma samadhina (Infinity is acted for) — i remember, the only purpose of living is for the Creator.’
What a profound message!! Even though I chant it many times, the key for me is to remember and internalize the message it holds. As we all learnt in Vibha course that the only time worth living is the time spent in remembrance of our Creator.
So this holds true not only during meal times but at all times where my actions, words and thoughts are engaged.
-Are my actions solely to serve Creator?
-Are my words only to express unconditional love?
-Are my thoughts only in His remembrance ?
It’s a long journey before Self Realization. It’s steadiness and sincerity that will make me realize that creator and creation are One. So I need to continue to practice this powerful mantra ( not just chanting) in my daily activities, in all that I do, speak and think.
That will be the true offering of Brahma Arpana