After dropping kids to school one morning, i went to the Children’s park for this RAW.
It was mostly quiet except for the sounds of the birds. The weather was beautiful. The sun was shining in bright blue sky as if smiling at me. I came across few runners, who were immersed in music/audible/pod-cast and who knows what; with their ear plugs and I-pods. They seemed least interested in world around. With passive faces, they went their way. So I got on with the task with a grocery bag in my hand.
At tactile level, i picked number of things- few empty plastic water bottles, another water bottle with colored liquid in it( Kool aid?), odd bits of paper, a lawn stake, cookies and cream ice cream cup, can of iced tea,wrapper of starburst, neon colored stringy fabric, elephant patterened band-aid, bits of duck tape…..
These bits of trash had stories to tell perhaps…………..
~That little elephant patterned band-aid-may be from another little one who cried, “boo-boo” and I’m sure that tiny scratch was kissed by his loving mom;
~ Or a teen quenching her thirst with iced tea, while watching her younger sibling squeal on a swing.
~a young boy with a face smeared with cookies and cream ice cream
~ few adults chatting (and drinking water) as they watched happily, their children play in the park……
~ A dad bent over a child’s wagon, fixing a tiny crack with duck tape.
~ I imagined a little one in a neon colored tutu running around and catching her tutu in a bush; was she hurt? But she gets up and giggles, then runs into the arms of her dad, who kisses that dark curly crown of hair, perhaps?
So many stories converging in one place, real or imagined! But then what is Real?
Different faces, different names and yet all expression of One.
Inadvertent advantages of this RAW-
~I was able to do japa while collecting trash.
~I walked 2.5 miles( was able to add steps on my activity tracker)
~Was able to enjoy beautiful weather.
~Left a cleaner place.
~Learnt about humility and seva
The sun is smiling radiantly in the delightful azure skies, the clouds are sailing graciously, He is watching-everything is right with the world.
As Swami Tejomayanada says- A vision of oneness develops love,a readiness to serve all, and creates an attitude of forgiveness.
Thank you Vivekji for this opportunity.