6 lakshanas Of surrender -
1 min readApr 28, 2018
- Cheerfulness- as one surrenders oneself at feet of Bhagwan, one also let’s go of all worries. One does his best and leaves the rest. That attitude brings cheerfulness.
- 2. Humility- one begins to understand that the limited i is a small player in this mega game of multiverse. One becomes humble in her actions. The journey to egolessness begins
- 3. Sharing and Generosity- as one surrenders, one begins to experience the Oneness; get glimpses of All in One and One in All.
- 4. Tirelessness- the surrender brings unlimited energy as all actions becomes work for Bhagwan. When Bhagwan is your employer, how can you be tired. All actions are done with this vision.
- 5. Faith- in ones guru, sadguru and shastras and the will to practice Vedantic teachings until it becomes ones vision and lifestyle.
6. No likes and dislikes — No Raga-dvesha, as one see Existence-awareness-bliss in everything , one starts letting go of likes and dislikes, because everything is expression of Brahman !
There is only LOVE!
Sharing Rumi’s verse where Surrender is summed up in its essence beautifully -
As you start out on the way,
the way appears.
As you cease to be,
true life begins.
As you grow smaller,
the world cannot contain you.
You will be shown a being
that has no ‘you’ inside it.