6 lakshanas Of surrender -

Saloni Khatri
1 min readApr 28, 2018
  1. Cheerfulness- as one surrenders oneself at feet of Bhagwan, one also let’s go of all worries. One does his best and leaves the rest. That attitude brings cheerfulness.
  2. 2. Humility- one begins to understand that the limited i is a small player in this mega game of multiverse. One becomes humble in her actions. The journey to egolessness begins
  3. 3. Sharing and Generosity- as one surrenders, one begins to experience the Oneness; get glimpses of All in One and One in All.
  4. 4. Tirelessness- the surrender brings unlimited energy as all actions becomes work for Bhagwan. When Bhagwan is your employer, how can you be tired. All actions are done with this vision.
  5. 5. Faith- in ones guru, sadguru and shastras and the will to practice Vedantic teachings until it becomes ones vision and lifestyle.

6. No likes and dislikes — No Raga-dvesha, as one see Existence-awareness-bliss in everything , one starts letting go of likes and dislikes, because everything is expression of Brahman !

There is only LOVE!

Sharing Rumi’s verse where Surrender is summed up in its essence beautifully -

As you start out on the way,

the way appears.

As you cease to be,

true life begins.

As you grow smaller,

the world cannot contain you.

You will be shown a being

that has no ‘you’ inside it.



Saloni Khatri
Saloni Khatri

Written by Saloni Khatri

Your name is on my tongue. Your image is in my sight. Your memory is in my heart. Where can I send the words, that I write ~Rumi

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