My, me, mine is a disease.
This is one disease that afflicts me but the healing has come through Vedanta. Now ‘me, my, mine’ are slowly being mentally replaced by ‘She/He, Her/Him and Hers/His’. It’s still operating in duality yet once the cure comes, there will be only Oneness. The sincerity, steadiness in sadhana will bring that cure.
Then ‘my’ will become ours/us.
I tried to be vigilant when I used the word ‘My’. At least that would push my sleep time to 15 minutes earlier, yet the functionality of the day’s work didn’t allow me for this whole past week; until He forced me to rest!!
Recovering and ready to tackle with bhava-roga. How do I break this pattern?
By responding differently. Seeing Him beyond you, me and we.
“Love is the souls light, the taste of morning,
no me, no we, no claim of being!”
“Your are thousands
You are One!”
~ Rumi