Saloni Khatri
3 min readApr 4, 2019


100 things I don’t know-

Some of these listed things, I pretend to know but they are only in decimal measures

I have divided them into categories of Articles, Beings, circumstances and Peace.

This is just a small glimpse. My ignorance is so vast- this whole life can be spent narrating it.

So far though, this is what I came up with. This list keeps on evolving. Somethings I’m ok with not knowing but as the list goes down to Beings and Peace — that is something I’d really like to KNOW.

Listed ABC’s if i don’t know, doesn’t matter.the big question is-

Will I know Brahman?


  1. Igloo
  2. 2. Ferrari, Lamborghini and such
  3. 3. Kohinoor diamond, painite and likes of that
  4. 4. Antikythera
  5. 5. Space ship
  6. 6. Time machine
  7. 7 Nobel Prize — totally out of my league
  8. Pulitzer Prize- Still out of league, still one can dream.


I would like to or would have liked to meet them-

  1. Meeting Sherlock Holmes ( since he is not real, I’ll be happy to meet Benedict Cumberbatch instead)
  2. 2. Meeting Monsieur Hercule Poirot ( ok! he is fictional too, nevertheless David Suchet would do)
  3. 3. Meeting Bono- If i ever get to be a songwriter
  4. 4. Tete a Tete with Shahrukh Khan- hm !!- doubtful- teenage romanticism still lingering in this older age !!
  5. 5. Brain storming With Albert Einstein.
  6. 6. Ah! A cup of tea with Agatha Christie. Won’t that be lovely!
  7. In company of Shamz Tabrizi
  8. Bulle Shah
  9. Chai with Mirza Ghalib- sharing our pain and sorrow
  10. Questioning Sméagol — probably it reminds me of me ( ‘we hates it , we wants it’)
  11. Roger Federer — though I have seen him play live, many times , it would be nice to learn what makes him what he is.
  12. Being on Dandi March with Mahatma Gandhi ji
  13. Being a princess/ queen
  14. Picasso
  15. Being in shantiniketan with Rabindranath Tagore
  16. Virginia Woolf
  17. Writing lesson from Haruki Murakami
  18. Meeting Brontë sisters
  19. Cuppa with Jane Austen

Circumstances/ Experiences/ Places-

Would love to be here-

  1. Being at Mansarovar
  2. 2. Spending time at Dwadasha Jyotirlinga (12 temples) of Lord Shiva
  3. 3. Vaidyanath, Deoghar, Jharkhand
  4. 4. Good Singing- not even to save myself
  5. 5. All languages apart from English, Hindi, Punjabi and Urdu
  6. 6. Cook Saag( classic punjabi dish)amongst many other dishes
  7. 7. Head stand ( as in yogasana)
  8. 8. Braiding hair( so bad at it)
  9. 9. Climbing Mt Everest
  10. 10. Visiting Hagia Sophia in Istanbul
  11. 11. Visiting Dome of Rock at Temple mount in Jerusalem
  12. 12. Ha Kotel”- The Wall of tears (Jerusalem) ; He hides behind it.
  13. 13. Tying bangles outside a tree at the Tomb of Heer Ranjha in Jhang( Pakistan)
  14. 14. Playing musical instrument for the Lord
  15. 15. Diving with sharks
  16. 16. Space walk
  17. 17. Visiting Bergen-Belsen concentration camp and crying with the ghosts of past
  18. 18. Meeting that one from Past life times
  19. 19. Going 100% green: growing my own food, energy and water supply
  20. 20. Living in Cornwall
  21. 21. Sailing around the world
  22. 22. Sky diving — May never happen;bit afraid of heights
  23. 23. Adopting a child or being a benefactor (My dream since I read Dickens’-Great Expectations as a child)
  24. 24. Start a program for children’s welfare
  25. 25. Knowing scriptures
  26. Dying
  27. Secrets of Area 51
  28. Mysteries of multiverse


This is the only meaningful list for me. These experiences are what truly what I’d really like to KNOW-

  1. Knowing Myself
  2. 2. Meeting Swami Chinmayananda and the honor of learning from him- though I must say I feel very fortunate to still learn from him through Vivekji’s 🙏.
  3. Being a perfect student
  4. 3. Being a blade of grass where Lord Shiva walked
  5. 4. Being even a monkey in Vanar Sena who got to be with Bhagvan Rama
  6. 5. At His feet in Mt Kailash
  7. 6. Meeting Rumi and the honor of being his student
  8. 7. Living in Satyuga
  9. Seeing- All in Self and Self in All
  10. Complete Fearlessness
  11. Total desire-lessness
  12. 8. Residential Vedanta course at Sandeepany
  13. 9. Unconditional love
  14. 10. Following the journey taken by Adi Shankara Bhagvan
  15. Bhagvan’s darshana
  16. 11. Visiting the Arunachal mountain where Sri Ramana was/is
  17. 12. Serving in Ashram
  18. Unquestioned selflessness
  19. Internalizing scriptures
  20. Samadhi
  21. Brahman



Saloni Khatri
Saloni Khatri

Written by Saloni Khatri

Your name is on my tongue. Your image is in my sight. Your memory is in my heart. Where can I send the words, that I write ~Rumi

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