100 things I don’t know-
Some of these listed things, I pretend to know but they are only in decimal measures
I have divided them into categories of Articles, Beings, circumstances and Peace.
This is just a small glimpse. My ignorance is so vast- this whole life can be spent narrating it.
So far though, this is what I came up with. This list keeps on evolving. Somethings I’m ok with not knowing but as the list goes down to Beings and Peace — that is something I’d really like to KNOW.
Listed ABC’s if i don’t know, doesn’t matter.the big question is-
Will I know Brahman?
- Igloo
- 2. Ferrari, Lamborghini and such
- 3. Kohinoor diamond, painite and likes of that
- 4. Antikythera
- 5. Space ship
- 6. Time machine
- 7 Nobel Prize — totally out of my league
- Pulitzer Prize- Still out of league, still one can dream.
I would like to or would have liked to meet them-
- Meeting Sherlock Holmes ( since he is not real, I’ll be happy to meet Benedict Cumberbatch instead)
- 2. Meeting Monsieur Hercule Poirot ( ok! he is fictional too, nevertheless David Suchet would do)
- 3. Meeting Bono- If i ever get to be a songwriter
- 4. Tete a Tete with Shahrukh Khan- hm !!- doubtful- teenage romanticism still lingering in this older age !!
- 5. Brain storming With Albert Einstein.
- 6. Ah! A cup of tea with Agatha Christie. Won’t that be lovely!
- In company of Shamz Tabrizi
- Bulle Shah
- Chai with Mirza Ghalib- sharing our pain and sorrow
- Questioning Sméagol — probably it reminds me of me ( ‘we hates it , we wants it’)
- Roger Federer — though I have seen him play live, many times , it would be nice to learn what makes him what he is.
- Being on Dandi March with Mahatma Gandhi ji
- Being a princess/ queen
- Picasso
- Being in shantiniketan with Rabindranath Tagore
- Virginia Woolf
- Writing lesson from Haruki Murakami
- Meeting Brontë sisters
- Cuppa with Jane Austen
Circumstances/ Experiences/ Places-
Would love to be here-
- Being at Mansarovar
- 2. Spending time at Dwadasha Jyotirlinga (12 temples) of Lord Shiva
- 3. Vaidyanath, Deoghar, Jharkhand
- 4. Good Singing- not even to save myself
- 5. All languages apart from English, Hindi, Punjabi and Urdu
- 6. Cook Saag( classic punjabi dish)amongst many other dishes
- 7. Head stand ( as in yogasana)
- 8. Braiding hair( so bad at it)
- 9. Climbing Mt Everest
- 10. Visiting Hagia Sophia in Istanbul
- 11. Visiting Dome of Rock at Temple mount in Jerusalem
- 12. Ha Kotel”- The Wall of tears (Jerusalem) ; He hides behind it.
- 13. Tying bangles outside a tree at the Tomb of Heer Ranjha in Jhang( Pakistan)
- 14. Playing musical instrument for the Lord
- 15. Diving with sharks
- 16. Space walk
- 17. Visiting Bergen-Belsen concentration camp and crying with the ghosts of past
- 18. Meeting that one from Past life times
- 19. Going 100% green: growing my own food, energy and water supply
- 20. Living in Cornwall
- 21. Sailing around the world
- 22. Sky diving — May never happen;bit afraid of heights
- 23. Adopting a child or being a benefactor (My dream since I read Dickens’-Great Expectations as a child)
- 24. Start a program for children’s welfare
- 25. Knowing scriptures
- Dying
- Secrets of Area 51
- Mysteries of multiverse
This is the only meaningful list for me. These experiences are what truly what I’d really like to KNOW-
- Knowing Myself
- 2. Meeting Swami Chinmayananda and the honor of learning from him- though I must say I feel very fortunate to still learn from him through Vivekji’s 🙏.
- Being a perfect student
- 3. Being a blade of grass where Lord Shiva walked
- 4. Being even a monkey in Vanar Sena who got to be with Bhagvan Rama
- 5. At His feet in Mt Kailash
- 6. Meeting Rumi and the honor of being his student
- 7. Living in Satyuga
- Seeing- All in Self and Self in All
- Complete Fearlessness
- Total desire-lessness
- 8. Residential Vedanta course at Sandeepany
- 9. Unconditional love
- 10. Following the journey taken by Adi Shankara Bhagvan
- Bhagvan’s darshana
- 11. Visiting the Arunachal mountain where Sri Ramana was/is
- 12. Serving in Ashram
- Unquestioned selflessness
- Internalizing scriptures
- Samadhi
- Brahman